Quality Design & Build Since 1997

Our Story

OUr Story - How SB Homes has evolved through the years
When Stephen Byram chiselled his first stone to help his dad build a dry-stone wall, aged just 13, he perhaps didn’t realise this was the start of SB Homes’ story.


More than six generations of the Byram family, going back more than two hundred years, hail from Marsden – and they have all been experts in the craft of dry-stone walling.

This legacy influences our homes today.

Because as a family, we have lived in Marsden and the Colne Valley for centuries; it is home to us. We care about the area more than most.

We also believe in the significance of its traditions – such as dry-stone walling. We carry them on through the homes we build, and we hope to do so for six more generations to come.

Our homes fit in, effortlessly, within their environment, and are built by our family for yours.


OUr Story - How SB Homes has evolved through the years

Byram Property Group encompasses SB Homes and SB Rentals; a commercial and residential rental firm.

SB Homes is part of the Byram Property Group.